What am I going to learn?

  • Accreditatie - Only for Dutch and Belgium participants

    Registers: Beroepsgerelateerd & algemeen. Keurmerk: 3 punten; KRF: heraccreditatie in aanvraag; PQK: 8 NE

  • Course language & duration

    English - 3 hours - After purchase this webinar will be accessible for one month

  • Price


  • Description

    There are many strong claims made about the efficacy and effectiveness of all manual therapy techniques for shoulder pain, as well as many myths and misconceptions about what it does and how it does it. So come join Adam Meakins, arguably one of manual therapy’s strongest critiques, for an evening of fun, light lighted, scientific evidence based, exploration around what manual therapy can and cannot do, and to ultimately decide if manual therapy really does ‘suck’.


Adam Meakins

Adam has worked in many roles throughout his career, including professional sport and has also been fortunate enough to work with and learn from some of the worlds leading experts. Adam has helped a wide range of people return to full function following injury or an episode of pain, and understands the importance of robust progressive rehab for everyone. Also as a keen sportsman himself Adam full understands the passion, dedication and desire that people have for a speedy return back to full performance.


  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Preparation work

    • Set a goal for this E-learning

  • 3


    • Slides Adam Meakins - The role of manual therapy for shoulder pain

  • 4

    Webinar Adam Meakins - Webinar the role of manual therapy for shoulder pain

    • Part 1

    • Question 1

    • Part 2

    • Question 2

    • Part 3

    • Question 3

    • Part 4

    • Question 4

    • Part 5

  • 5

    Final test

    • Final test - The role of manual therapy for shoulder pain

  • 6


    • Don't forget to be critical!

    • Can interventional MRI provide an insight into the mechanics of a posterior–anterior mobilisation?

    • Criterion validity of manual assessment of spinal stiffness

    • Evidence and recommendations for the use of segmental motion testing for patients with LBP – A systematic review

    • Lower back pain and neck pain: Is it possible to identify the painful side by palpation only?

    • A Systematic, Critical Review of Manual Palpation forIdentifying Myofascial Trigger Points: Evidence and Clinical Significance

    • Massage Impairs Post exercise Muscle Blood Flow and "Lactic Acid" Removal

    • Rotator cuff tendinopathy/subacromial impingement syndrome: is it time for a new method of assessment?

    • Reflect on your goal

  • 7

    Re-watch recording

    • Re-watch webinar with playbar