Wat ga ik leren?/What am I going to learn?

  • Accreditatie - Only for Dutch and Belgium participants

    Het beroepsgerelateerd en algemeen register - Kwaliteitshuis: 3 punten - ProQKine: 8NE

  • Description

    This webinar will primarily focus on the three main muscles regions: The hamstring complex; Quadriceps; and the Gastroc-Soleus complex, but will also touch on the Adductors and Hip flexors injury profile (This is covered comprehensively in other courses). This webinar will explore the epidemiology of injuries and their impact; intimate anatomy and applied function and how this can influence both the injury and the functional rehabilitation. It will explore, the mechanisms, the location, the size and the type of injuries sustained and their impact on the rehabilitation processes and time lines. It will then explore the best way to manage immediate injuries coupled with how to manage more complex and persistent / recurring injuries. Finally we will explore the stages of rehabilitation and what key markers need to be put in place to maximise a successful outcome. We will investigate the benefit of every exercise selection and how they can be used to optimise return to sport and how to reduce the risk of re-injury.

  • Course language & duration

    English - 3 hours - After purchase this webinar will be accessible for one month



  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Preparation work

  • 3


  • 4

    James Moore - Introduction to muscle injuries in sport

  • 5

    Final test

  • 6


  • 7

    Re-watch recording