What am I going to learn?

  • Accreditatie - Only for Dutch and Belgium participants

    Registers: Beroepsgerelateerd, algemeen & sport. Keurmerk: 3 punten; KRF: 3 punten; PQK: 6 NE

  • Course language & duration

    English - 3-4 hours - After purchase this webinar will be accessible for one month

  • €40,00

  • Description

    This webinar will take you through the current evidence base surrounding non-opeative ACL management and dispell a number of myths that patients need to have an ACL reconstruction to achieve a great outcome following ACL injury. The learning outcomes are: 1) Understand the findings of the KANON trial and its practical implications 2) Understand who these finding apply to; and who we need to be very cautious of applying this information to 3) Understand what a potential coper and potential non-coper are and how to assess for them 4) Understand how ACL injury contributes to degenerative changes over time 5) Understand what high-quality, non-operative rehab should entail


Mick Hughes

Mick Hughes is a Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist, who consults at The Melbourne Sports Medicine Centre. He has a strong clinical interest in the management of ACL injuries; both operatively and non-operatively. Mick is the co-author of the Melbourne ACL Rehabilitation Guide; a criterion based framework aimed at optimising ACL injury outcomes, which has helped countless patients improve their quality of life and fuction following ACL injury. Mick is also the co-founder of the online education platform www.learn.physio – a website that hosts premium online education courses for health professionals all around the world.


  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Preparation work

    • Set a goal for this E-learning

    • Prevalence of Tibiofemoral Osteoarthritis 15 Years After Nonoperative Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

    • A 10-Year Prospective Trial of a Patient Management Algorithm and Screening Examination for Highly Active Individuals with ACL Injury. Part I: Outcomes

  • 3


    • Slides Mick Hughes - Non-operative ACL management

  • 4

    Webinar Mick Hughes - Non-operative ACL management

    • Part 1

    • Question 1

    • Part 2

    • Question 2

    • Part 3

    • Question 3

    • Part 4

  • 5

    Final test

    • Final test - Non-operative ACL management

  • 6


    • Reflect on your goal

    • Don't forget to be critical!

    • Hurd et al 2010 - A 10-Year Prospective Trial of a Patient Management Algorithm and Screening Examination for Highly Active Individuals with ACL Injury. Part I- Outcomes

    • Fukuda etal 2013 - Open Kinetic Chain Exercises in a Restricted Range of Motion After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

    • Thoma et al 2019 - Coper classification early after ACL rupture changes with progressive neuromuscular and strength training and is associated with two-year success-The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort study

    • Filbay et al 2019 - Evidence-based recommendations for the management of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture

    • Eitzen et al 2010 - A Progressive 5-Week Exercise Therapy Program Leads to Significant Improvement in Knee Function Early After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

    • Escamilla et al 2012 - Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain and Tensile Forces for Weight-Bearing and Non–Weight-Bearing Exercises- A Guide to Exercise Selection

  • 7

    Re-watch recording

    • Re-watch webinar with playbar