What am I going to learn?

  • Accreditatie - Only for Dutch and Belgium participants

    Registers: Beroepsgerelateerd, algemeen, manueel, sport, psychosomatiek & orofasciaal. Keurmerk: 3 punten; KRF: 2 punten; ProQKine: 6 NE

  • Description

    Explain Pain is a range of educational interventions aimed at changing someone’s understanding of what pain actually is, what function it serves, and what biological processes are thought to underpin it (Moseley & Butler 2015). Typically, the focus has centered on explaining what we know about the biology of pain. However, is this truly representative of an Explain Pain approach? We will consider the current strengths and limitations of an approach that focusses on explaining the biology of pain, including the need to consider where this knowledge comes from, how applicable it is to the individual, and how and when it is delivered. We will consider how influences from the person in pain, co-production, population health science and the changing sociocultural narratives are shifting our understanding of pain and its management and how this will shape an evolving Explain Pain approach.

  • Course language & duration

    English - 3-4 hours - After purchase this e-learning will be accessible for one month


Tim Beames

Tim is the lead physiotherapist and co-founder of Pain and Performance – an organisation with a special interest in the treatment and education of people suffering complex and persistent pain states. He is also is the co-owner of Le Pub Scientifique – a live learning organisation/partnership delivering informal events about pain, health and wellbeing in London and Amsterdam. Tim has a Masters in Pain: Science and Society from King’s College London, has published book chapters and research on graded motor imagery and body perception, and has written and developed many postgraduate education courses for both Pain and Performance and NOI.


  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Preparation work

    • Set a goal for this E-learning

    • Leak et al - What do patients value learning about pain? A mixed methods survey on the relevance of target concepts following pain science education

  • 3


    • Slides Tim Beames - What will "Explain Pain" look like in 5 years time?

  • 4

    Webinar Tim Beames - What will "Explain Pain" look like in 5 years time?

    • Part 1

    • Question 1

    • Part 2

    • Question 2

    • Part 3

    • Question 3

    • Part 4

    • Question 4

    • Part 5

    • Question 5

    • Part 6

  • 5

    Final test

    • Final test - What will ''Explain Pain'' look like in 5 years time?

  • 6


    • Don't forget to be critical!

    • Lauw 2014 - Comparison of Terminology in Patient Education Booklets for Lumbar Surgery

    • Moseley 2004 - Evidence for a direct relationship between cognitive and physical change during an education intervention in people with chronic low back pain

    • Nijs et al 2009 - From acute musculoskeletal pain to chronic widespread pain and fibromyalgia- Application of pain neurophysiology in manual therapy practice

    • Moseley 2003 - Joining Forces – Combining Cognition-Targeted Motor Control Training with Group or Individual Pain Physiology Education- A Successful Treatment For Chronic Low Back Pain.

    • Oberg 2015 - Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy

    • Louw 2014 - Therapeutic Neuroscience Education, Pain, Physiotherapy and the Pain Neuromatrix

    • Watson 2019 - Pain Neuroscience Education for Adults With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain- A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • Lauw et al 2015 - The short term effects of preoperative neuroscience education for lumbar radiculopathy: A case series

    • Reflect on your goal

  • 7

    Re-watch recording

    • Re-watch webinar with playbar